Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jan 21

Goldman Sachs' profit was declared this morning. It earns $4.79B in fourth quarter, which outdistanced its business opponent. The company rewarded its employees $16.2B in salaries and bonus in 2009, 47% higher than last year but still lower than its expectation.

Almost at the same time, a statistic of first-time claims of unemployment aid was announced. Data shows that there was a net loss in job markets last week, which dimmed many optimistic economists’ opinion about a net gain in January job market.

Not directly related with these two events, but absolutely related with them, Obama proposed a new policy regarding big banks, which aims to limit the size and complexity of large financial institutions. The proposal would limit commercial banks’ ability in getting into high-risk trades to separate them from investment banks.

He believes, without these regulation, financial system would still walk on its old path, which leads to its recently collapse.

“When you see more and more financial sectors basically churning transactions and engaging in reckless speculation and obscuring underlying risks in a way that makes a few people obscene amounts of money but doesn’t add value to the economy—and in fact puts the entire economy into enormous risk—then something’s got to change,” Obama said in an interview with Time magazine published Thursday.

All of those give us a signal that US’s basic conflict in this financial crisis has not changed. As more and more struggling to live, there are some others earning much money by irresponsibly risking the whole society. Obama administration is trying to solve the problem existed for a longtime, all the policies sounds great,but nobody is certain about whether they are correct at all. America still has a long way to its recovery.

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